Jubilee Song - Jamie Rivera Music


Power of Your Love

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Brotherhood Breakfast

The Breakfast is unique to the BCBP.

There is no other organization that is known to
have instituted a breakfast that has changed the lives
of so many businessmen and professionals.

The BCBP has the singular distinction of having introduced
and sustained the breakfast system to bring the
Gospel of Christ so effectively to the marketplace.

From this concept of a "Christian men's breakfast"
evolved a potent renewal organization, the Brotherhood
of Christian Businessmen and Professionals.

The Breakfast is a basic entry point for
personal renewal. 
This is an important objective of the breakfast.
It must continue to be the easiest way to a person's
search for spiritual renewal. The simplicity of form and
the effective delivery of Gospel message through the
"sharing", are key to the painless introduction of a
businessman or professional to the door of
Christian renewal. 

The Breakfast is a means to continue upbuilding the members of the BCBP.

The breakfast attendance is not an "option" for BCBP members but rather a commitment to the
evangelistic culture of the BCBP. As members, all are bound to not only evangelize in the
breakfast but equally important is, to "fellowship, share and upbuild" brothers and sisters through
faithful attendance and participation in the breakfasts. This is an inherent part of the BCBP culture which
members have sworn to propagate in the marketplace. Every breakfast where the guest sharer
shares his work experiences strengthens and upbuilds the membership. This confirms the support
that Christian businessmen and professionals are not alone in the resolve to actively bring Christ
to marketplace and winning the marketplace for Christ.